Animal Lives Matter

Non-Profit Animal PRESERVATION


The list of both domestic and “exotic” animals in the wild that are either in danger of extinction or being abused is heartbreaking. Now you can do something about it. 


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About Us

About Our Proposed Reserve

We are working closely with US regulators as well as regulators in countries like Panama all the way to Asia. There is a great need to preserve the animals on the endangered animal list. You would be surprised at the animals we all love that are in danger of extinction. Animals like the Javan Rhinocerous, Mountain Gorilla, Tigers,  The Asian Elephant, Orangutans, Snow Leopards, and more. Many animals are experiencing abuse or even death in zoo’s.  75% of animals are abused in the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums. There is a 96% chance that an elephant is treated poorly in entertainment. Animal neglect in the home and with household pets is a major issue as well. The animals whose abuse is most often reported are dogs, cats, horses, and livestock.  Even organized cruelty runs rampant. Cruelty like dogfighting, cockfighting and other animal cruelty acts occur daily. There are approximately 70 million pet dogs and 74.1 million pet cats in the US alone where 20 men and women are assaulted per minute.  In 71 % of the cases, the abuser also assaulted the pets. Our innocent pets need a voice, you can be that voice.



What We Do

Rescuing Animals

We rescue abused household pets, stray or abandoned animals, and animals in the wild through wildlife preservation.

Animal Care

We have a team of caring veterinarians that offer their time and care for both domestic and wild animal needs and safety.

Spay & Neuter

Spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast tumors. Neutering your male companion prevents testicular cancer

Finding A Home/Domestic Pets

We make sure rescued pets are afforded the best care and a safe home as well as a loving family.

$35 Saves a Life

With your one-time or monthly support, you can do your part to save an abused animal’s life or save an animal in the wildlife. We do strict accounting and accountability for our supporters.

Contribute or Volunteer

We welcome and greatly appreciate your contributions to the cause of animal lives. We also greatly appreciate volunteers offering their time and care.